My essay Care-less Desire is included in CARE(LESS), published by @mabib.liotheque, edited by @sharon_kivland and @gemmablackshaw .
_____ Contributors: Sohaila Baluch, Gemma Blackshaw, Anja Borowicz, Caroline Douglas, Shannon Forrester, Marita Fraser, Nora Heidorn, Ameera Kawash, Sofie Layton, Joshua Leon, Xiaoyi Nie, Amy Peace Buzzard, Ilona Sagar, Dafne Salis, Adam Walker, Sharon Young, Shuye Zhang are members of The Care Research Group, RCA which convened throughout the pandemic lockdowns. ON CARE was conceived before the pandemic, highlighting care as a vital consideration and became an urgent reading for the days that unfolded. The publication is availble for sale at MA Biblioteque website _____
#oncare #careless @on_care_reading_group #rcaresearch #pandemicwriting
_____ Contributors: Sohaila Baluch, Gemma Blackshaw, Anja Borowicz, Caroline Douglas, Shannon Forrester, Marita Fraser, Nora Heidorn, Ameera Kawash, Sofie Layton, Joshua Leon, Xiaoyi Nie, Amy Peace Buzzard, Ilona Sagar, Dafne Salis, Adam Walker, Sharon Young, Shuye Zhang are members of The Care Research Group, RCA which convened throughout the pandemic lockdowns. ON CARE was conceived before the pandemic, highlighting care as a vital consideration and became an urgent reading for the days that unfolded. The publication is availble for sale at MA Biblioteque website _____
#oncare #careless @on_care_reading_group #rcaresearch #pandemicwriting
Performing in @magdalenaonlinefest in @annie.abrahams project Angry Women when anger becomes a tool for connecting and collective resonating.
_____ Angry Women is an online networked performance and research project that Annie Abrahams began in 2011.
It is a multilingual performative improvisation on female anger, as well as an exercise in being WITH others at a distance mediated by machines. The performance is prepared in a 90 min workshop led by Annie Abrahams a few days before. She imagines a “choir” full of individual voices and actions where there is room for solos, duos and silence, where group dynamics will be as important as the revelation of female anger and irritations.
Performers: Amaranta Osorio, Anja Borowicz, Brenda Plumey Morales, Emmanuelle Gibello, Mansi Thapliyal, Sarah Hart, Shelly Quick and Susan Lamb.
#TheMagdalenaProject #MagdalenaOnline#BodiesOnLive
#teatrofeminista #festivalinternacional#mujeresartistas #elarteesfundamental#consumecultura #performance_online#contemporareytheatre #womenintheatre#performanceonline #onlineperformance#onlinefestival #women_on_sta
_____ Angry Women is an online networked performance and research project that Annie Abrahams began in 2011.
It is a multilingual performative improvisation on female anger, as well as an exercise in being WITH others at a distance mediated by machines. The performance is prepared in a 90 min workshop led by Annie Abrahams a few days before. She imagines a “choir” full of individual voices and actions where there is room for solos, duos and silence, where group dynamics will be as important as the revelation of female anger and irritations.
Performers: Amaranta Osorio, Anja Borowicz, Brenda Plumey Morales, Emmanuelle Gibello, Mansi Thapliyal, Sarah Hart, Shelly Quick and Susan Lamb.
#TheMagdalenaProject #MagdalenaOnline#BodiesOnLive
#teatrofeminista #festivalinternacional#mujeresartistas #elarteesfundamental#consumecultura #performance_online#contemporareytheatre #womenintheatre#performanceonline #onlineperformance#onlinefestival #women_on_sta

Giving voice to synthetic sonics :: working with @aminaabbasnazari & RCA students.
_____ A discussion and workshop exploring artificial intelligence when working with voice and sound in art practice. Working with both generative media tools and our own voices, and thinking around ways to sonify protest (as understood in the widest sense), we will improvise together to create a synthetic poem.
We will reflect on ideas of plurality - of voices and that of perspectives, an question collective ways of knowing (i.e. a chorus) versus hegemony that systems like Google Alexa provide. _____
@rcasu.org.uk #syntheticmedia #aivoice#protest #workshop #plurality #chorus
_____ A discussion and workshop exploring artificial intelligence when working with voice and sound in art practice. Working with both generative media tools and our own voices, and thinking around ways to sonify protest (as understood in the widest sense), we will improvise together to create a synthetic poem.
We will reflect on ideas of plurality - of voices and that of perspectives, an question collective ways of knowing (i.e. a chorus) versus hegemony that systems like Google Alexa provide. _____
@rcasu.org.uk #syntheticmedia #aivoice#protest #workshop #plurality #chorus